Date Posted: May 30, 2014
Insight May 2014
Subject: Research on Load Structures by Investor Economics
Since the onset of the 2008-2009 market downturn, embedded forms of advisor compensation have been on the radar screen of financial industry regulators worldwide. In Canada, mutual fund embedded compensation currently has two layers: sales commissions and ongoing fees (trailers).
The current issue of Insight is the first in a series of reports that will examine the mutual fund load and multi-series landscape. This month, our research feature focuses on load structures. Some of our key questions include: How are the assets, sales and redemptions of back-end (or deferred sales charge or DSC); front-end (or initial sales charge or ISC) and low load evolving? Are advisors redrawing their compensation formulas and, in the process, changing the way they do business, and if so, how is this impacting fund companies? Against the backdrop of growing regulatory scrutiny of the forms of advisor compensation associated with mutual funds, the feature is a must-read for industry participants and observers alike.
The Trendlines research feature at the end of the report examines trends in foreign diversification of mutual fund assets and sales.
If you are an Insight subscriber you can download the report from our intranet here. If you are interested in this research, please contact us.
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Insight May 2014report